Sunday, February 7, 2010

Defination of stock and it's types

Defination of stock and it's types
Stock is unthickened, unseasoned and flovoured foundation liquid made from meat or chicken bones or fish or fish bones, herbs and various aromatic vegetable. The preparation of stock means care and taste, long slow simmering of food and cold water used for stock with aromatic vegetables and nutrition into liquid. After cooking stock, it should be properly kept stored in a hygienic condition with correct temperature. Stocks are a base of disease and essential ingredients, therefore great care should be taken in a preparation of stock . Generally there are 3 types of stock:-

1. white stock:- As the name suggest it is white in colour and can be prepared from various ingredients such as: beef. mutton. veal, chicken, game, vegetable etc.
2. Brown stock:- while making brown stock, the ingredients as bone, mire poix, bouquet garni is sauteed in fat until browned and simmered at the right temperature. It can be made from beef, chicken, mutton. game etc.
3. Fish stock:- Made from the fishes bones is fish stock. It usually used for the preparation of fish dishes. Mixed of different ingredients fish stock should be tasty.

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